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The Wibble's Graphic Imagery Causes Viewer Insanity? Experts Say 'Meh.'

In a shocking turn of events, The Wibble has been accused of using graphic images in their articles that cause viewer insanity. The accusations come from a group of individuals who claim to have been driven to the brink of madness by the disturbing images used by the satirical news website.

However, experts in the field of psychology say that the effects of The Wibble's graphic assault are more likely to induce bewilderment or indifference than true insanity. We spoke to several victims of The Wibble's alleged attack and found that most were simply confused or mildly amused by the images.

One victim, who wished to remain anonymous, described their experience with The Wibble's allegedly insane graphics:

"At first, I was scrolling through the article and everything seemed normal. But then I saw it - an image of a banana dressed up like a clown. I didn't know what to think. It was so absurd that I couldn't help but laugh. I don't think it made me insane, but it definitely gave me a good chuckle."

Another victim, who also wished to remain anonymous, recounted their experience:

"I was reading an article about politics and suddenly I see a picture of a cat wearing a tiny hat. I was confused at first, but then I realized it was just The Wibble being The Wibble. It didn't drive me insane, but it did make me smile."

So, is The Wibble really trying to drive viewers insane? Or is it all just a hilarious misunderstanding?

According to a statement released by The Wibble, they have no intention of driving anyone insane, stating that their graphics are simply a way to add humor to their articles. The statement read:

"We at The Wibble take our role as a satirical news platform very seriously. We use graphics to enhance the humor in our articles and provide our readers with a unique reading experience. We apologize if anyone has been negatively affected by our graphics, but we assure you that we have no intention of driving anyone insane."

While the accusations against The Wibble are alarming, it seems that the effects of their graphic imagery are more likely to cause confusion or amusement than true insanity. So, the next time you come across a strange or absurd image on The Wibble, just remember to take it with a grain of salt - and maybe a good sense of humor.

Banana clown juggling fruits and a dog at a circus