Inky Tentacles Hold my Mic: An Exclusive Interview with the Kraken of Cosmic Horror
If you think your commute to work is hard, imagine navigating through the cavernous depths of another dimension. Well, I’ve had an exclusive interview with the infamous Chtulhu, who's more than just a horror icon. He’s also a professional with a remarkable work ethic and a unique perspective on the modern job environment. Picture this: upon breaking through a cosmic barrier, we were greeted by a tangled mass of tentacles, casually wrapping one around the door handle. Welcome to Chtulhu Inc.
'Salutations, human. Do you have any illuminating questions for me? I assume you’re here for business advice—let’s not get into the whole end-of-the-world prophecy thing, unless it involves stocks rising when R'lyeh breaks through the surface,' Chtulhu chuckled as his tentacles expertly filed paperwork. Eager to get started, I asked Chtulhu the question that’s been burning in my mind ever since I started working: 'How do you manage work-life balance?'
'Ah, yes, work-life balance. This, my dear human, is why I have a team of Migo minions doing most of the tasks. Since awakening in R'lyeh, I’ve learned that time management is crucial in both cosmic affairs and the office. I dedicate a significant portion of my tentacles to work, while another set does yoga by the Great Cthulhu statue.'
Intrigued, I pressed further. 'Surely as the herald of the Elder Gods and a corporate success, you have some secrets? Any rituals or practices you employ for success?'
'My secret is simple. Devotion. Not to any deity, but to the task at hand. I immerse myself in work, molding it to my tentacles' shape. Of course, it also helps that I have my very own nightmare-induced subconscious realm to retreat into when things get overwhelming.'
Chtulhu's words resonated with me, as I’m sure they’ll resonate with countless others caught in the same existential dread. 'However,' Chtulhu cautioned, 'be wary of the human tendency to overwork. It’s a dangerous path that leads to insanity.'
'Indeed,' I agreed, quickly scribbling notes. 'Are there any gifts, materials, or offerings required for such a nightmarish position?'
'What, my dear human? You think I’m scary? Wait until you see my sales team on pitch day,' Chtulhu countered, his tentacles coiling in amusement. 'Jokes aside, what truly matters is your ability to connect with clients. This job is not for the faint-hearted. Your commitment to your craft must be relentless, just like the unwavering stare of Yog-Sothoth.'
'Speaking of craft,' I continued, 'any last words of wisdom from the dark dimension?'
Leaning back, Chtulhu draped his tentacles across his chair. 'Your success is not measured by the terror and madness you inflict; it’s about the nightmares you share. If your work doesn't scare you, it's not worth pursuing. So, may the stars align to provide you the guidance and terror necessary to succeed.'
With that enlightening nugget, our time was up. I departed, my notepad bursting with cosmic knowledge, and thanking Chtulhu for the insights into his secret world of corporate horror.