Local Satirical News Site Uses Bat Signal to Summon Lone Upvoter
The Wibble news team just can't keep up with the tides of social media. Whispers around the office suggest that the team is considering taking up a new tactic, one which has never been used before in the digital world - the bat signal.
Yes, you heard that right. The Wibble team has decided to create a custom-made bat signal that can only be activated by their one, perfectly loyal upvoter. The whimsical upvoter, whose identity is still unknown, has managed to gain the admiration of a cynical generation and even the staff at the Wibble are aware of their stature.
The bat signal, we learned, was carefully designed by the team. It took months of planning and hard work, but the team has been cautious to keep the details a secret. To confirm that their upvoter had indeed seen the signal, they included the keywords "Why aren't you upvoting us now?" in bold letters.
The message, which is apparently being sent telepathically to the upvoter, asks the question that everyone is thinking but too afraid to ask.
When asked about the signal, the staff was excited. "We can't wait for the moment when the signal is activated and our upvoter gives us the attention we need!" one of them exclaimed, clearly ecstatic about the prospect.
And although it all may seem a bit silly, we can't help but applaud their efforts. At a time when social media algorithms make up our rules and set our pace, it's refreshing to see a team embrace the whimsical, the playful, and the downright ridiculous.
We won't be too surprised if other satirical news sites follow The Wibble's lead, but who could ever do it better than them?
Finally, we have to ask the question; if the bat signal is successful, how far will The Wibble team go next to keep their audience's attention? Will they take up animal handlers to keep captive a mythical creature in an attempt to rival Futurama's Hypnotoad? Only time will tell.
For now, we're excited to see their success with the bat signal, and we'll be waiting patiently for our upvoting hero to make their next move.