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Pony Genitalia: The Silent Mystery

They gallop, they neigh, they charm our world with their magical vibrancy. But beneath the manes and rainbow glamour lies a question that might send some to their hooves: How on earth does a pony from 'My Little Pony' universe reproduce without genitalia?

A scene from Rainbow Dash's house

In a recent issue of 'Pasture Press', a scientific article shook our pony-hued worlds. According to the study, titled 'Beyond the Flank: Exploring Equine Eroticism,' these little ponies don't reproduce through conventional sexual means.

A scientist analyzing data from ponies

Instead, the magic-soaked creatures reportedly engage in a ritual called 'Pony Peripumation'. This includes a secret combination of mane-braiding, synchronized trotting, and a communal hoof-stamping that culminates in a mystical explosion called the 'Flank Flare'.

Ponies performing the 'Pony Peripumation' dance

This ritual is reserved only for the most magical of all unions and results in a rainbow-hued flash in the sky, signifying the birth of a new pony in nine months. Remarkably, nopony seems to actually know who the 'parent' pony is. There's no 'stallion' or 'mare' here; it's just a pony miracle, after all.

Ponies performing ritual 'Flank Flare'

We reached out to Ponyville's expert equine biologist, Dr. Dizzle, to comment. Dr. Dizzle, who also doubles as a potion expert, stated, 'It's truly remarkable. The pony procreation cycle is as mysterious as it is mesmerizing, but one thing's for sure - there's no need for genitalia. Hail the magic of Equestria!'

Dr. Dizzle, famous equine biologist and potion expert

As we bid farewell to the pony world for today, we leave you with this: Whether you have genitalia or not, love is love, and ponies know how to rock their kind of 'filly.' So, next time you see a rainbow in the Ponyville sky, nod in acknowledgment. The magic of life is about to manifest once more.

Pony town celebrating after rainbow flash