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Deadpool impersonator helps police uncover Mafia hideout

Local law enforcement was left stunned yesterday when a man dressed as Deadpool uncovered a suspected Mafia hideout and destroyed it with explosives. Witnesses say the impersonator yelled 'I am the Merc with a Mouth!' before setting off the charges.

According to sources, the Deadpool impersonator had been investigating the Mafia for months and decided to take matters into his own hands when the police failed to act.

"I couldn't believe my eyes," said local resident, Maria Sanchez. "I was walking my dog when I heard a loud explosion. When I turned the corner, there was this guy in a Deadpool costume standing next to a burning building."

While some are hailing the Deadpool impersonator as a hero, others are questioning the effectiveness of community policing and the dangers of vigilantism.

"This is not the Wild West," said Police Chief, Robert Johnson. "We have laws for a reason, and it's not up to civilians to take justice into their own hands."

Despite the risks, the Deadpool impersonator appears to have inspired others to take action. Reports are coming in from across the city of other costumed crusaders taking the law into their own hands.

"We've got a guy dressed as Batman, a woman as Wonder Woman, and even someone in a Spider-Man suit running around," said one police officer, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. "It's chaos out there."

The incident has also sparked a debate about the effectiveness of traditional law enforcement strategies. Some are suggesting that the police need to be more creative and embrace alternative approaches to crime-solving.

"We need to get with the times," said local resident, John Smith. "These guys in costumes are getting results. Maybe we need to start thinking outside the box."

As for the Deadpool impersonator himself, he has gone into hiding and has yet to be identified by police. But he has left behind a legacy that will no doubt inspire others to continue the fight against crime, with or without the support of the authorities.

Deadpool blowing up a building